WorkPool Features
Task and Workflow Management
Have you ever requested information or assigned a task and never heard about it again? With WorkPool you can track all requests, reduce administration, the number of emails sent and received, and get rid of your office in-tray all together! From a central pool of information, you have a holistic, real-time view of and direct control over all the inputs, outputs, processes, tasks and activities in your organisation, as well as direct access
to all inter-team communications.
Personal Assistant
WorkPool is an efficient, but non-invasive personal assistant that will keep track of all your tasks and responsibilities and assist you in your time management. You need now only look in one place to see everything that is expected of you, by whom and by when.
- Manage your workflow according to deadlines, priority and type of task (phone calls, faxes, emails, programming, etc.).
- WorkPool plans your day by automatically creating a daily action plan based on your availability and task follow-up dates.
- Receive requests from clients directly onto your workflow (intercept emails or faxes).
- Distinguish between billable and non-billable tasks or activities and keep track of non-productive time.
- Specify and revise follow-up dates to ensure you achieve deadlines.
- Attach electronic documents to tasks, or file them in a client’s electronic folder to ensure that you always have all information and original documentation on hand.
- Use your personal notebook to capture notes and eliminate the need for paper.
- Restrict access to personal or confidential items, e.g. financial information, or sensitive HR issues.
- Extract stats on tasks and activities to review how much time is spent on admin, meetings, marketing, phone calls, etc.
- Archive older or completed items.
Task Delegation
One of WorkPool’s most powerful features is the ease with which you are able to manage the responsibilities of others. Reduce time spent on follow-ups and remove the need for feedback meetings altogether. Remove miscommunication from your office environment and extract information about
any task or activity, at any time.
- View anyone’s workflow to assess their current workload and view their action plan for the day. Provide clients with the latest progress on their tasks, even though their contact person is unavailable (sick or on leave).
- Assign or reassign tasks within seconds – WorkPool will notify colleagues automatically via email or SMS. Track tasks of interest in other departments, or on behalf of customers according to unique, system-generated reference numbers.
- View and manage all tasks assigned or delegated to others from a single interface.
- Change a task’s due date, priority, or other attributes to accommodate changes in your environment or commitments to clients.
- Retain a complete chronological task history and audit trail of events on each task.
- Make quality assurance a part of everyone’s responsibility – only accept or sign-off tasks that you are completely satisfied with. Give constructive input to tasks prior to their due date in order to ensure their success.
- Co-ordinate staff or teams on a local, national or international level.
- Transfer ownership of tasks to others for further action, or create new tasks linked to existing tasks.